TECHStyle 3.0: Goals for 2013-2014

The editors of TECHStyle welcome new and returning Brittain Fellows to a new semester!

We want to share with you our goals and objectives for the continuing development of the site. New Britts will contribute regularly to TECHStyle through their participation in weekly Digital Pedagogy seminars (see a sample post here). All Britts are invited to publish content to other featured categories: Teachable Moments, Reflections, Digital Humanities, Further Reading and more. (You can visit the TECHStyle posting calendar to put your name on the Fall 2013 schedule.)

TECHStyle will continue to evolve in its content and design. Listed below are some of  the areas we are particularly interested in developing. Over the semester the editors may contact you to solicit posts, but remember that you do not have to wait to be contacted. This is your blog. Please help us make it as rich and stimulating a representation of the Brittain Fellows’ work as it can be.

Contact Christine Hoffmann with any ideas you have about contributing to or improving TECHStyle’s content and/or design.


D-Ped: a regular series of posts documenting the discussions among new Britts in this year’s seminar. Upload your weekly readings, and use the comment feature to extend your conversation beyond the seminar space.

Teachable Moments: regular posts about all things teaching (evaluation of classroom activities, discussions of innovative assignments, showcases of student work, insights on experimental assessment strategies, advice on classroom technology, etc.).

Professional Development: regular updates on Brittain Fellow professional activity; when you attend a conference, publish an article, host a speaker, get a grant, etc., alert the editors and help us celebrate the accomplishments of our diverse group of scholars. Britts who keep personal blogs, please also let the editors know when you publish a new post; we’ll provide a link in the Britt News section.

The Podcast: a series of audio and hybrid podcasts about the Brittain Fellowship and the work we do at the Georgia Tech Writing & Communication Program. If you have an idea for a TECHStyle piece that would work better as a dialogue or a conversation than as a written post, get in touch with Becky Weaver.

The Job Search & Alt-Ac Careers: as application season nears, we hope to solicit a series of posts from Britts at all stages of the job search process, including posts from those of us expanding our search to jobs outside of or adjacent to the tenure track.

Further Reading: news items Britts come across online can be easily shared among readers of TECHStyle. One easy way to do add to this category is to drag the Press This application (found under Tools in your Dashboard) to your Bookmarks bar; any time you read something of interest on the web, log in to TECHStyle, click Press This, and a pop-up will allow you to publish a link to your something of interest on TECHStyle (under the category Further Reading). This should be an easy section to develop!


Navigation: continue to refine the look of the site through modifications of the template, menus and especially the header. Britts with an interest in web design, get in touch!

Branding: work on branding TECHStyle so that it connects more clearly and consistently with the Writing & Communication program.


image source: By Clementina (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons
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Christine Hoffmann

About Christine Hoffmann

Christine Hoffmann (PhD University of Arkansas, MFA Art Institute of Chicago) studies the shifting standards for credibility and utility that develop inside post-Gutenberg and post-digital rhetorical environments. Her scholarly work has been published in College Literature, the CEA Critic, PLL, the CEA Forum and, somewhat randomly, Slayage: the Online Journal of Buffy Studies. A few short stories can be found in Make magazine, Eclectica and Loose Change. She also blogs regularly on TECHStyle, the forum for digital pedagogy and research by the Georgia Tech Brittain Fellows. Christine looks forward to connecting the teaching of multimodal composition to her research into rhetorics of struggle, cultures of collecting, and the advantages of copious expression.
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