Redesigning TECHStyle for 2015-2016


Welcome to a new year of TECHStyle. In 2015-2016, the TECHStyle committee is looking forward to bringing together an exciting lineup of posts from Brittain Fellows past and present.

The updated TECHStyle design.

The updated TECHStyle design.

This year we will be coordinating a series of themed clusters that reflect the range of teaching we do at Georgia Tech and that promise to contribute to larger conversations in multimodal pedagogy, digital pedagogy, and the digital humanities. Our first themed cluster, “Designing Multimodal Assignments,” co-edited by Eric Rettberg and Phoebe Bronstein, will appear on the site in November and December 2015. Future themed clusters will include topics such as “Teaching and Communicating Visually: The V in WOVEN,” “Rethinking Failure in the Classroom,” and “Multimodality in the Literature Classroom.”

As usual, these themed clusters will be joined by an ongoing series of posts about digital pedagogy and the digital humanities from Brittain Fellows past and present.

Brittain Fellow Lauren Neefe (2014-present) has created a Podcast Committee that has been hard at work developing a series of podcasts that will showcase the work of Brittain Fellows and explore sound in the Georgia Tech community. As part of this initiative, TECHStyle will host Flash Readings, a series of podcasts in which Brittain Fellows do close readings of sound related to their research. Posts about the 4:33@Tech podcast will give a behind-the-scenes look at how work on the podcast has involved a collaboration between academics, librarians, and undergraduates.

Our articles, themed clusters, and podcasts will be presented on a site featuring a newly updated design. In 2014-2015, Eric Rettberg, Joshua Hussey (Brittain Fellow 2014-present), and Joy Robinson (Brittain Fellow 2013-2015) worked to develop a design that simplifies navigation on the site, reduces clutter, foregrounds new content, and accommodates greater multimodality. The site’s design is responsive, so it should look good not just on a laptop or a desktop but also on a phone or tablet. Our new design is based on the Parabola WordPress Theme. We are grateful to the developers of Parabola for developing such a visually appealing and flexible theme.

TECHStyle aspires to be a forum to share the work of Brittain Fellows with a wider academic community, but also a place for the wider academic community to contribute to ongoing discussions of multimodal pedagogy at Georgia Tech. We invite your feedback and look forward to conversing with you in the comments section.


— Eric Rettberg, TECHStyle Editor 2015-2016

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About Eric Rettberg

I work on twentieth and twenty-first century poetry and poetics, with a special emphasis on modernism and contemporary conceptualism. My work sees a tension between seriousness and unseriousness as a defining quality of experimental literature. I am also a committed digital humanist: I've worked on large archive projects and digital pedagogy projects, and my current digital work focuses on how computers can help us sift through large archives of recorded poetry. I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Virginia in 2012, and as a Brittain Fellow, I've designed courses centered on themes of "Data, Information, and Culture," "Contemporary Experimental Writing," "Digital Culture," and "Cultures of Appropriation."
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