“Atlanta – Georgia Tech: Horrison Square – Corliss Pump” by wallyg is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/?ref=openverse.
Philosophical Goals of TECHStyle
- Make humanities teaching and research publicly accessible, in a fashion that compliments traditional academic work while also short-cutting the slow pace of academic publishing.
- Make our authors, WCP, LMC, and Tech students look good.
- Increase the visibility of MBPF and its fellows, especially online.
Submission Process
- Only Georgia Tech faculty, students, and alumni can be published on TECHStyle.
- All submissions will be acknowledged by the Lead Editor(s) within 72 hours.
- Submissions undergo an initial review by the Lead Editor(s) to assess their suitability for publication.
- Essays deemed suitable for further consideration are then subject to peer review by two members of the TECHStyle editorial team.
- Once both reviews are received, the Lead Editor(s) will collate all feedback and return it, with a publication decision. This process will take an estimated 3-6 weeks.
- Essays under review at other journals or previously published in any form will not be considered for publication in TECHStyle.
How to Submit
All submissions must be emailed to the Lead Editor at rhartnett@gatech.edu. Additional inquiries or proposals for content on the site can be directed to her at rhartnett@gatech.edu.
Style Guidelines
- Audience—educated outsiders (other university faculty, postdocs, graduate students, and some members of the public). You should imagine your reader knows generally about any topic but would need specifics clarified (e.g. they know who Shakespeare is and some of his plays but wouldn’t know the political significance of his history plays).
- Tone—semi-professional / business causal. TECHStyle strives to feel like a conversation among equals (So first person and slang, for instance, would be appropriate).
- Length—Between 1,000 to 2,000 words for a ‘traditional’ article; 500-800 words for shorter, assignment prompts.
- Content—Beyond text, all TECHStyle articles should include both visuals and hyperlinks at a minimum. Ideally, the post should include other elements and display multimodal savvy as our program should.
- Images – All images must have captions and must provide credit/citation for sources.
- References—MLA Bibliography for any resources. In-text citations if desired, but not required.
- Keywords – Each author must provide 3-7 keywords relevant to the article submitted.
Models for Public Humanities Writing
- MLA Profession
- Adaptation Today – Blog Posts, Assignments, & Syllabi Publications
- How-To themed issue of the Public Humanities Journal (Cambridge University Press)