Philosophical Goals
- Make humanities teaching and research publicly accessible, in a fashion that compliments traditional academic work while also short-cutting the slow pace of academic publishing.
- Make our authors, WCP, LMC, and Tech students look good.
- Increase the visibility of the MBPF program and its fellows, especially online.
Who Can Submit?
- Current Brittain Fellows
- Alumni of the Brittain Fellow Program
Review Process
- An author either pitches an article or the editors solicit one.
- The article is then assigned to two editors.
- Editors review the article, providing substantive feedback, before returning it to the author.
- The author revises the article, and then notifies the editors.
- The editors re-read. If they are happy with the revisions—i.e. the revisions meet the philosophical goals stated above and the style and requirements below—the editors then start uploading the article to the WordPress website. If not, they return the article to the author for one more round of revisions (ideally no more than one more here, two if necessary).
Style Guidelines
- Audience—educated outsiders (other university faculty, postdocs, graduate students, and some members of the public). You should imagine your reader knows generally about any topic but would need specifics clarified (e.g. they know who Shakespeare is and some of his plays but wouldn’t know the political significance of his history plays).
- Tone—semi-professional / business causal. TS strives to feel like a conversation among equals (So first person and slang, for instance, would be appropriate).
- Length—Generally, between 1,000 to 2,000 words for a ‘traditional’ article. Editors though should be open to other lengths and formats.
- Content—Beyond text, all TECHStyle articles should include both visuals and hyperlinks at a minimum. Ideally, the post should include other elements and display multimodal savvy as our program should.
- References—MLA Bibliography for any resources. In-text citations if desired, but not required.
Article Requirements
Each article posted to TECHStyle should meet these requirements. Each article should:
- Have hyperlinks in it to one to two other TECHStyle articles. These articles could be ones that have related content or are by the same author.
- Have a few ‘categories’ and ‘tags,’ found among the publishing panels on the right of the edit screen.
- Have a ‘featured image,’ found among the publishing panels on the right of the edit screen.
- Have a description/abstract that summarizes the article briefly.
Article Formatting
- Articles should have a header image at the top of the page that is referential or connected to the article.
- Any media for the article must be submitted with the article draft.
- Articles should have headings or section breaks, to break up the reading experience.