Applications open for 2016-2017 Brittain Fellowships


The job ad for Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellowships in Composition, Technical Communication, and Digital Pedagogy has been posted at Vitae. To apply, please consult the following job ad:

Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellowship in Composition, Technical Communication, and Digital Pedagogy

The Writing and Communication Program at Georgia Tech seeks recent PhDs in rhetoric, composition, technical communication, literature, film, linguistics, visual rhetoric/design, and related humanities fields for the 2016-2017 Brittain Postdoctoral Fellowship. The fellowship, renewable up to three years, includes a 3/3 teaching assignment, Instructor rank, and full faculty benefits.

Candidates with experience in writing and communication center research, pedagogy, and/or practice may be offered positions that combine work in Georgia Techs Communication Center with a 2/2 teaching assignment. Special consideration will be given to candidates who have conducted writing center research and scholarship.

Teaching: Fellows design courses informed by their research interests within a framework of common programmatic outcomes. Writing and Communication Program courses include first-year composition, business communication, and technical communication. All courses are based on rhetoric, process, multimodality, digital literacy, and humanistic perspectives in a technological world.

Research: Fellows are expected to continue their scholarly agendas and are encouraged to extend them to include research in areas such as pedagogy, multimodality, digital humanities, instructional innovation, and assessment.

Professional Development: Fellows are supported in their professional development toward academic and non-academic career paths through projects such as programmatic assessment, grant writing, administration, publishing, and public relations.

Service: Fellows serve on and chair committees that act as change agents to help shape programmatic initiatives in areas such as innovative technologies, special events, digital publication, curriculum development, ELL and cross-cultural challenges, and community outreach.

Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, teaching portfolio (minimally, a teaching statement, sample syllabi, sample assignments, and summary of course evaluations/comments; additional elements are acceptable), and three letters of recommendation to Only digital applications will be reviewed. Review of applications begins on February 1, 2016, and continues until all positions are filled, though earlier applications receive more consideration. Applications are accepted until March 1, 2016.

Georgia Tech is an equal opportunity employer whose academic core mission is based on the principles of inclusion, equity, diversity, and justice. The Writing and Communication Program is especially interested in considering applications from minority candidates.

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About Eric Rettberg

I work on twentieth and twenty-first century poetry and poetics, with a special emphasis on modernism and contemporary conceptualism. My work sees a tension between seriousness and unseriousness as a defining quality of experimental literature. I am also a committed digital humanist: I've worked on large archive projects and digital pedagogy projects, and my current digital work focuses on how computers can help us sift through large archives of recorded poetry. I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Virginia in 2012, and as a Brittain Fellow, I've designed courses centered on themes of "Data, Information, and Culture," "Contemporary Experimental Writing," "Digital Culture," and "Cultures of Appropriation."
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