Communication Center Committee

Mission: The Communication Center Committee acts as an advisor to the Director of the Communication Center and offers feedback regarding both policy and practice related to the Communication Center.

The students tutored by President Peterson were brainstorming approaches and topics for the upcoming Pecha Kucha presentations for their Honors English 1101 class, taught by Robin Wharton. From L to R: President G.P. "Bud" Peterson; Joshua Friedberg (Class of 2015, Major: ISYE); Chelsea Cerame (Class of 2015, Major: Mechanical Engineering, Minor: Japanese); and Rohith Rajan (Class of 2015, Major: Electrical Engineering, Minors: Economics, Music Technology). (Used with permission: R.E. Burnett 2011)

Membership: The chair of the Communication Center Committee is the Director of the Communication Center. Members of the committee include the Director and Assistant Director of Writing and Communication, the Assistant Director(s) of the Communication Center, and other members invited by the committee chair.

2011-2012 Committee
Chair: Karen Head
Committee Members: Brandy Blake, Rebecca Burnett, Lauren Curtright, Leeann Hunter, Aron Pease, Malavika Shetty, Nirmal Trivedi, Chris Weedman, and Robin Wharton.

  1. Consult and offer feedback on the design and implementation startup strategies for the development of this new center.
  2. Contribute suggestions for student-outreach best practices.
  3. Contribute suggestions for faculty-outreach best practices.
  4. Advise the center staff on practices that will support the goals and objectives of LCC Writing and Communication courses.
  5. Identify potential new committee members who can advise the center staff on practices that
    will support the goals and objectives in communication across the Georgia Tech curriculum.
  6. Create possible collaborations with other committees, e.g., DevLab, Assessment, and Grant Writing.

Prior Committee History
2010-11 Co-Coordinators: Leean Hunter and Irene Middleton
Accomplishments: Created a pilot tutoring center Spring 2011, and staffed it 20 hours a week
2009-10 Co-Coordinators: Kathryn Crowther, Irene Middleton, Jennifer Parrott, Robin Wharton
Accomplishments: In both Spring 2010 and Spring 2011, the CommLab coordinators (Brittain Fellows whose course assignment was to provide tutoring and to administer the fledgling program) created a pilot tutoring center and staffed it 20 hours a week. The CommLab started working with , the University of Georgia’s system for managing students’ communication portfolios, to manage interactions between tutors and tutees. We also organized the facilities in D.M. Smith, worked with IAC facilities to attain used/free furniture, created a website with a sign-up system (coordinated with Success Programs), and did limited promotion, primarily within LCC, to inform students of available services.

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