Mission: The mission of the Consulting Consortium is to provide expert advice and service to internal and external clients who need assistance with written, oral, visual, electronic, or nonverbal communication. Each job is assigned to a consultant with both interest and expertise, who works closely with the client to complete the task. Consulting jobs are selected to broaden the experience of Brittain Fellow consultants and to provide clients with top-notch service.
Membership: The chair of the Consulting Consortium is the Director of the Writing and Communication Program. The Assistant Director of Writing and Communication is a member of the Consortium. Other members of the Consortium are invited by the Director and Assistant Director of Writing and Communication., based on an application and/or particular expertise.
2011-2012 Consortium
Chair: Rebecca Burnett
Consortium Coordinator: Robin Wharton
Consultants: Leeann Hunter, Paulette Richards, and additional consultants as projects dictate.
- Extend awareness of services across campus.
- Create PR materials to promote services.
Prior Consortium History
2008-11 Consortium Chair: Rebecca Burnett
2008-11 Consortium Coordinator: L. Andrew Cooper
Consultants: Elizabeth Freudenthal, Lisa Hager, Jo Anne Harris, Crystal Lake, Danielle Lawson, Melissa Graham Meeks, Paulette Richards, Dan Vollaro, Candice Welhausen
Consulting Clients:
- Bennett Aerospace Inc., Cary, NC
- Office of Information Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Office of International Initiatives, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Office of the Provost, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Steven A. Denning Technology & Management Program, Georgia Institute of Technology