Mission: The mission of this newly established Curriculum Projects Committee is to move forward special curricular initiatives that benefit both students and faculty. The Writing and Communication Program has been invited to participate in two important curricular initiatives:
- “First-year Reading Project” (sponsored by Academic Success)
- “This I Believe Project” (sponsored by the Office of Undergraduate Studies).
The committee will regularly communicate with the Georgia Tech offices responsible for these initiatives, develop specific materials to aid instructors in implementing the initiatives into classes, provide oversight of and coordinate resources, and track the programmatic success of these initiatives for possible discussion in research articles.
Membership: The co-chairs of the committee are invited by the Director in consultation with the Assistant Director of Writing and Communication. Members on the Curriculum Projects Committee Committee are invited by the co-chairs of the committee, in consultation with the Director and Assistant Director of Writing and Communication. The co-chairs and members of this committee who want to be involved in research about these curricular initiatives must gain IRB certification.
2011-2012 Committee
Co-Chairs: Michelle Gibbons and Malavika Shetty
Committee Members: Diane Jakacki, Thomas Lolis, Regina Martin, Jennifer Parrott, Christopher Ritter, Nirmal Trivedi, Robin Wharton.
- Work with external committees to coordinate their initiatives with the Writing and Communication Program
- Develop materials that facilitate fellows’ incorporation of external curricular initiatives into English 1101/1102 courses
- Publicize curricular initiatives to the Brittain Fellow community
- Hold a public colloquium that provides information about curriculum initiatives and includes the opportunity for discussion and reflection
- Solicit feedback from fellows regarding their incorporation of external curricular initiatives into English 1101/1102 courses.