eBook Committee

Mission:  The mission of the eBook Committee is to develop superior textbooks and related resources that reflect the emphasis on rhetorical and WOVEN (written,oral, visual, electronic, and nonverbal) communication in all Writing and Communication Program courses. The resources created and maintained by this committee support not only English 1101, English 1102, and LCC 3403 but also communication in and across the disciplines. The Writing and Communication Program’s EBook Committee provides oversight for WOVENText, ensuring a theoretical and pedagogical direction that is consistent with programmatic outcomes. In addition, the committee selects, revises, and creates content for WOVENText, working with the Bedford-St, Martin’s editors responsible for the eBook.

Membership The eBook Committee is chaired by the Assistant Director of Writing and Communication. The members on the EBook Committee are invited by the chair of the committee, in consultation with the Director of Writing and Communication.


2011-2012 Committee

ChairRobin Wharton

Committee MembersAndy Frazee, Christopher Ritter, Sarah Schiff, Malavika Shetty, Nirmal Trivedi.  

Goals:        (1) Partner with chairs of the technical communication and World Englishes committees to review, revise, and create technical communication and English as a second or other language resources.
(2) Leverage Communication Center resources to collect data that can be analyzed and used in creating additional eBook content focused specifically on multimodal writing and communication and the needs of Georgia Tech faculty and students. (3) Collaborate with Bedford St. Martin’s in the creation of multimodal resources and improvement of the platform for delivering those resources. (4) Create innovative new tools that integrate eBook resources into formative and summative assessment of individual students.


Prior Committee History


Chair L. Andrew Cooper

Committee MembersAndy Frazee, Nirmal Trivedi

Accomplishments: The eBook Committee provided formative feedback on a usability study of the eBook, which led the committee to make recommendations for improving the eBook’s navigation. The committee also added content, primarily streaming videos and tracks that guide specific user groups through eBook content. Finally, the committee gave the eBook a name: WOVENText.

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