Mission: The mission of the Ferst Center Gallery Committee is to organize an annual exhibition of multimodal student work at the Ferst Center Galleries to take place in December and the following January of each year. This committee is both advisory and participatory.
Membership: The chair of the committee is invited by the Director in consultation with the Assistant Director of Writing and Communication. Members on the Ferst Center Gallery Committee are invited by the chair of the committee, in consultation with the Director and Assistant Director of Writing and Communication.
2011-2012 Committee
Chair: Doris Bremm
Committee Members: Kathryn Crowther, Christine Hoffmann, Jennifer Holley, Jenna Knight, Julia Munro, Jennifer Orth-Veillion, Jennifer Parrott.;Honorary Member: Barbara Stafford.
Goals: (1) Coordinate the Writing and Communication Program’s initiative with the Ferst Center to encourage, select, and display student artifacts produced in their English 1101 and English 1102 classes. (2) Organize the first annual Student View exhibition of multimodal student work at the Ferst Center Galleries. (3) Implement nomination process that allows all LCC faculty to nominate exceptional student work in all media to be considered for the exhibition at the Ferst Center Galleries. (4) Secure funding for the necessary equipment to stage the exhibition in part through an application for Tech Fee money. (5) Announce and cover the exhibition in campus publications such as TECHStyle, The Whistle, and Technique. (6) Create an online archive of the artifacts included in the exhibit using Omeka.
One of the announcements encouraging nominations for entries to the December 2011–January 2012 exhibition of student work, co-sponsored by the Ferst Center for the Arts and the Writing and Communication Program.