Mission: The Brittain Fellow Hiring Committee creates and distributes the poster and digital ads for Brittain Fellows, beginning the mailings and postings in December, with the first applications accepted in February. Applicants are reviewed until all positions are filled, so the committee usually works actively from February through July. The committee chair works closely with the Assistant to the LCC Chair and with a designated Writing and Communication Program intern in posting ads, receiving and organizing files and spreadsheets, and meeting legal and institutional requirements. The committee chair coordinates all committee meetings and facilitates file sharing and reviewing, telephone and Skype interviews with applicants, discussions about decisions, and correspondence with applicants.
Membership: The chair of the Brittain Fellow Hiring Committee is the Assistant Director of Writing and Communication. The members of committee include the Director of Writing and Communication, the Associate Chair of LCC, the Director of the LCC’s Undergraduate Program, the Director of the Communication Center (or their designees). Additionally, a Brittain Fellow is invited by the Director and Assistant Director of Writing and Communication to serve on the committee.
2011-2012 Committee
Chair: Robin Wharton
Committee Members: Rebecca Burnett, Karen Head, Carol Senf, Lisa Yaszek, and a Brittain Fellow
to be invited.
- Leverage the work we have done creating an online presence for the Brittain Fellowship with TECHStyle, the Brittain Fellowship Facebook page, and the @brittainfellows Twitter account by integrating them with revised recruitment poster, flyer, and job listing.
- Create a system for managing and reviewing incoming files and build a database for organizing and storing relevant information.
- Recruit a pool of exceptional incoming Fellows through a well-coordinated and rigorous screening and interview process.
- Design new orientation “thread” for incoming technical communication Fellows.
Prior Committee History
Chair: L. Andrew Cooper
Committee Members: Robert Blaskiewicz, Rebecca Burnett, Karen Head, Carol Senf, Lisa Yaszek,
Accomplishment: Hired 17 Brittain Fellows
Chair: L. Andrew Cooper
Committee Members: Rebecca Burnett, Blake Leland, Carol Senf
Accomplishment: Hired 18 Brittain Fellows
Chair: L. Andrew Cooper
Committee Members: Rebecca Burnett, Karen Head, Carol Senf
Accomplishment: Hired 13 Brittain Fellows