Texts That Challenge Convention
Sipai Klein, Amanda Madden, Jennifer Orth-Veillon, Britta Spann
At Georgia Tech, Brittain Fellows are expected to live and teach by the latest technological advances. This would seem to suggest not only teaching what we call “non-conventional texts” such as games, websites, film, and social media, but also asking our students to create them. However, this poses the question: are we creating an artificial dichotomy between the conventional and the non-conventional? In this D-Ped session, we will take a look at how we define a “text” in the multimodal classroom. Specifically, we will put into question where our texts, from the standard argumentative essay to videogames, fall on the spectrum of tradition and innovation. Our conversation will take place in four acts:
Part One: Non-conventional Conventional Texts
Read this following article: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BxY5W1_oqggwOTQ1ZjNkODMtZmUyMS00YjNhLThkOGUtY2JjMWJlMjgwZjRm&hl=en_US
Part Two: Teaching WOVEN Website as Literary Text
Explore this site: www.360degrees.org
Watch this video from 6:00min to 20:00min:
Part Three: The Future is Now
Watch this brief video: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/digitalnation/learning/schools/the-tech-fix.html
Part Four: Non-game Scholars Teaching Games
Read the following blog entries: