Julie McCormick Weng specializes in Anglophone literatures, modernism, science and technology, and gender and women's studies. Her work has appeared in Journal of Modern Literature, Éire-Ireland, and Joyce Studies Annual. Currently, she is co-editing a collection of essays, Science, Technology, and Irish Modernism, with Kathryn Conrad and Cóilín Parsons. She also serves as editor of reviews for Breac: A Digital Journal of Irish Studies.

Strategies for Teaching Non-Native English Speakers: A Roundtable Review

On March 30, 2017, the Writing and Communication Program’s World Englishes Committee hosted the faculty roundtable “Instructing Non-Native English Speakers: Practical Tools.” This event drew Georgia Tech teaching faculty and staff interested in sharing ideas and learning new strategies for better serving the needs of the diverse population of English… Continue reading

The Censorship Files: Using Digital Media to Teach Censored Media

When teaching the art of research writing, I aim to help my students learn the tools of the communication trade through assignments that challenge them to see the world with more conscientious eyes. I strive to help my students recognize not only that the forms of their words matter but that… Continue reading