Noah Mass received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. His relocations from New York to San Francisco to Austin to Atlanta over the past several years have inspired his work on space, place, and identity in American life. He specializes in 20th and 21st century American literature, southern literature, African American literature, and ethnic and third-world studies. He is currently working on a book project in which he explores the impact of the Great Migration on southern literature. His published work has appeared in Studies in American Fiction and the edited collection Science Fiction and the Two Cultures. He currently teaches English 1101: The Rhetoric of Southern Identity, in which his students will consider the persistence and value of southern regionalism in an an era characterized by global flows of capital, people, and communication.

Making [Multimodal] History: 21st Century Timelines and 20th Century Connections

One of my challenges in teaching students is that they often don’t get a lot of my references. I’m sure many teachers have had this problem: jokes that you think are hilarious fall flat, or mentions of pop-cultural figures that you assume are common knowledge end up getting blank looks…. Continue reading

D-Ped 10/10: Assessment

In our Digital Pedagogy talk on Wednesday, October 10, Noah Mass, Sarah Bleakney, James Gregory, and Emily Kane  will discuss strategies for assessing student work. In our discussion, we will focus on two forms of assessment: self-assessment by the student in peer response and revision, and assessment of student work… Continue reading