Behind Brittain Fellow Podcasts at Tech

In the past year, Brittain Fellow Lauren Neefe (2014-present), librarian Alison Valk, and a cohort of Georgia Tech undergraduates have been working on a podcast called 4:33@Tech. Inspired at once by WNYC’s Radiolab, Lauren Neefe’s multimodal composition class on sound, and the Georgia Tech community, the podcast focuses on the soundscape of Georgia Tech…. Continue reading

A New Podcast, Featuring Colonel Hall!

  We are pleased to present the second podcast in TechStyle’s podcast series! Our second episode features Colonel Stephen C. Hall, USAF Retired, 1967 Graduate of Georgia Tech, and the namesake of our new home, the Stephen C. Hall Writing and Communication Building, on the Georgia Tech campus.  The podcast… Continue reading

Our First Podcast!

TECHStyle is pleased to announce a new offering, our podcast! Hosted by Rebecca Weaver (Brittain Fellow, 2012-2015) and produced by the TECHStyle editorial team and the Media and Technologies Committee, this podcast was developed to broaden TECHStyle‘s reach and attend to our program’s multimodal goals. Our first episode features Doris Bremm… Continue reading