Remix (D-Ped 11/30)

Welcome to Remix Culture Week!

Lt. Pike Pepper Spray Meme


Larry Lessig’s TED talk on Copyright Law

Remix Theory’s definition of Remix

 An excerpt from David Shields’ Reality Hunger

Questions to Consider

How might remix challenge traditional the structure of rhetoric?  Or is is not so much a challenge as another piece of the rhetorical situation?

What’s the difference between appropriation and remix?

What sort of cultural commentary can we create by using remix technologies?  In other words, what are the various purposes of remix rhetoric?

How might we ask students to complete remix writing assignments in ways that are effective and responsible?

What sorts of legal responsibilities do we have when assigning remix projects in the classroom?

Optional Links to Visit

A couple of videos made in response to copyright extension:

Copyright: Forever Less One Day

A Fair(y) use Tale (a pretty great example of remix, too)

Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon’s History of Rap

Josh Groban sings Kanye West’s tweets

Chronicle article on “Uncreative Writing”

A post about the ironic obstacles Lessig has encountered making his own published work available for free downloading:

The Clawback of @lessig’s “Remix”

 Remixing D-Ped

Finally, we’d like you to think about remixing D-Ped.  Take a look at our D-Ped topics from Fall 2011 and consider how you might remix them (multimodally!)  We’ll complete this activity in class.

Balance between teaching and research

Digitizing research interests for the classroom and the job market

Professional resistance

Digital, mechanical, and simple technologies


Digital divide

Privilege and exclusion

Texts that challenge convention

Archaeology of digital media

Material studies

Remix and reuse pedagogy and scholarship

Share articles with your friends or follow us on Twitter!

About Christine Hoffmann

Christine Hoffmann (PhD University of Arkansas, MFA Art Institute of Chicago) studies the shifting standards for credibility and utility that develop inside post-Gutenberg and post-digital rhetorical environments. Her scholarly work has been published in College Literature, the CEA Critic, PLL, the CEA Forum and, somewhat randomly, Slayage: the Online Journal of Buffy Studies. A few short stories can be found in Make magazine, Eclectica and Loose Change. She also blogs regularly on TECHStyle, the forum for digital pedagogy and research by the Georgia Tech Brittain Fellows. Christine looks forward to connecting the teaching of multimodal composition to her research into rhetorics of struggle, cultures of collecting, and the advantages of copious expression.
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