STUDENT VIEW opens Wednesday, 2/26*

Each year, more than 6,000 Georgia Tech undergraduates enroll in courses offered by the Writing and Communication Program (WCP), whose home is in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication. These multimodal courses are designed and taught by Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellows. To showcase students’ artistic work created in these classes, the WCP partners with the Office of the Arts to present Student View, an annual juried exhibition. The artwork in Student View epitomizes the provocative synergy of form and content. Student View is displayed at the Ferst Center for the Arts and the Woodruff Arts Center. Selected pieces from Student View are added to the Writing and Communication Program’s permanent student collection displayed in the Stephen C. Hall Building.

Click the links below to view the video contributions to Student View.

student view


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About Christine Hoffmann

Christine Hoffmann (PhD University of Arkansas, MFA Art Institute of Chicago) studies the shifting standards for credibility and utility that develop inside post-Gutenberg and post-digital rhetorical environments. Her scholarly work has been published in College Literature, the CEA Critic, PLL, the CEA Forum and, somewhat randomly, Slayage: the Online Journal of Buffy Studies. A few short stories can be found in Make magazine, Eclectica and Loose Change. She also blogs regularly on TECHStyle, the forum for digital pedagogy and research by the Georgia Tech Brittain Fellows. Christine looks forward to connecting the teaching of multimodal composition to her research into rhetorics of struggle, cultures of collecting, and the advantages of copious expression.
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