Tech Comm Seminar 10/8: Visual Literacy, Visual and Information Design

James Gregory and Rachel Mahan will lead Monday’s Tech Comm Seminar discussion on visual literacy, visual design, and information design.

We would like you to read and watch the following:

Please consider the following questions while you read and watch and explore on your own:

  • Is the processing of visual information as effortless as McCandless claims? (at ~9:30 minutes in)
  • If visual literacy is dormant, as Kennedy implies, do we need to teach it or just awaken it? How would you do either in your classes?
  • What do you lose with graphics/infographics/illustrations/symbols? What do you gain? What gets distorted?
  • What are the elements of good information design? How would you teach information design to your students?

We look forward to discussing with you on Monday. Have a great weekend.

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About James Gregory

While completing his Ph.D. in English at the University of Georgia, Athens, James Gregory spent three terms and a summer as a visiting student at Jesus College, Oxford, and as a graduate resident on the UGA at Oxford program. His M.A. in Medieval Studies is from the Medieval Institute at Western Michigan University, and his primary interests in that field include nationalism and national identity in high and late medieval England and Wales, Welsh hagiography, orality and translation, mysticism and affective piety, as well as general religious and manuscript studies. His wider academic and professional interests center on Technical Communication and e-Learning, and he has worked in professional broadcast radio, web design, freelance writing, and as a contract instructional designer. His publications and forthcoming work include articles on Margery Kempe and Beowulf, and he intends to develop several chapters from his dissertation on the medieval cult of St. Wenefred into a book-length study of twelfth- to fifteenth-century hagiographical traditions in England and Wales. James is currently teaching Technical Communication for LMC.
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