The Year in the Rear-view Mirror

Photo by Flickr user Sandy/Scarlett Images

It’s that time of year again, and the Brittain Fellows are reflecting on the year in the rear-view mirror.  The value of reflecting on the work we have done is something we emphasize to our students, and yet it is something we often fail to do ourselves.  Yet we can all benefit from sitting down to ask ourselves questions like: What went well this semester? What didn’t? What will I do differently next time?  What have I learned?  As Karen Head, the director of Georgia Tech’s Communication Center, mentioned in her recent interview for TECHStyle, reflecting on the same questions that we ask our students on their final course evaluations and then comparing our own answers can be extremely insightful – do the students see our successes and failures the same way?  Does their understanding of the goals and outcomes of the course align with our own?

Reflection, however, should not just cover our teaching, but our achievements in scholarship, our progress on large projects, our work-life balance, and whether we are staying focused on our larger priorities and goals.  This semester, four Brittain Fellows are looking back and reflecting on all of these things:

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About Kathryn Crowther

Katy received her PhD in English with a certificate in Women's Studies from Emory University. Her work focuses on the relationship between 19th-century print culture and technology and the Victorian novel. She also writes about contemporary Neo-Victorian novels and Steampunk literature and culture. In both her teaching and her research she is very invested in the use of digital tools and in the broader applications of technology in the humanities.
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