Andrea Krafft
My research and teaching focus on post-1900 American literature and popular culture, with a special interest in multimodal pedagogy, speculative fiction (including science fiction and horror), gender studies, and the post-World War II era. I'm interested in how authors turn to the fantastic in order to challenge reigning narratives of normativity. For example, my chapter in the edited collection Home Sweat Home: Perspectives on Housework and Modern Domestic Relationships examines how Ray Bradbury, Shirley Jackson, and Ira Levin critique postwar appliance culture. I hold a Ph.D. from the University of Florida and have taught various courses on science fiction, 20th century American literature, the 1950s, and domesticity. Please feel free to contact me at

Archiving Other Worlds: Science Fiction Magazines as Multimodal Artifacts

When first designing my English 1102 course, Multimodal Mars, I wanted to integrate the Georgia Tech Science Fiction Collection, which contains a large number of magazines such as Planet Stories, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and Astounding Stories (among others). My reason for this was twofold: I felt that students would better… Continue reading