Lizzy LeRud is a Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellow at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She is a scholar of American poetry, and her research focuses on the cultural histories of poetic forms and genres. Her essays have been published in Nineteenth-Century Prose, Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, The Edinburgh Companion to the Prose Poem, The Poetry Foundation website, and elsewhere.

Scansion Redux, or Doing Data Viz in the Poetry Classroom

By Lizzy LeRud In my first few years of teaching poetry, I quickly grew to expect my students’ slightly sick expressions when words like “iamb” and “trochee” came up in class. Many students were weary from memorizing these Greek words for poetic meters, a necessary task for getting by in… Continue reading

7 Brittain Fellows Reflect on Antiracist Pedagogy

A memorial mural for reonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, George Floyd.

In response to the protests for racial justice during the summer of 2020, we here at TECHStyle discussed steps we could take to promote antiracism and antiracist pedagogy in higher education. As we noted in our call for submissions from August, “Black people have experienced systemic racism for as long as… Continue reading