Lainie Pomerleau
Dr. Lainie Pomerleau is a Marion L Brittain Postdoctoral Fellow in the Writing Communication Program at Georgia Tech. Her research interests include medieval documentary culture and literature, the ethics of science communication, and contemporary neomedievalism and speculative fiction. Her current work focuses on time and documentary memorialization in medieval life writing, as well as the connections between narrative and experiential time in medieval romances and neomedieval speculative fiction. She will be presenting on incorporating AI into composition classes at DragonCon 2023 in "Old, Old School Revival: Teaching Multimodal College Composition With High Fantasy, Neomedieval Role Playing Games.”

Integrating AI into College Writing and Communication Classes

Integrating AI into College Writing and Communication Classes  AI (Artificial Intelligence) platforms like ChatGPT and Dall-E2 have galvanized higher education, particularly for those of us who teach college writing. The full potential of AI is not yet realized, and the AI platforms are limited. ChatGPT and DALL–E2 cannot comprehend the… Continue reading