Flash Readings Podcast: “Laughter Worth Reading”

You are about to listen to “Laughter Worth Reading.” It’s the inaugural episode in the Brittain Fellows’ first regular podcast, Flash Readings, created and produced by Lauren Neefe. Every month the podcast will feature one of the fellows performing a close reading of an exemplary textual moment from their current… Continue reading

Behind Brittain Fellow Podcasts at Tech

In the past year, Brittain Fellow Lauren Neefe (2014-present), librarian Alison Valk, and a cohort of Georgia Tech undergraduates have been working on a podcast called 4:33@Tech. Inspired at once by WNYC’s Radiolab, Lauren Neefe’s multimodal composition class on sound, and the Georgia Tech community, the podcast focuses on the soundscape of Georgia Tech…. Continue reading

A Thousand Hamlets

By Sarah Higinbotham, Fan Geng, and Dun Cao What does Shakespeare offer aerospace engineering majors, who often take eighteen hours of computational science, physics, and biochemistry in a typical semester? How does Twelfth Night—Shakespeare’s comedy about the flexibility of language and love—contribute to Georgia Tech students’ analytical skills? And how… Continue reading

TECHStyle Guide for Authors

With the design changes coming to TECHStyle, the editorial board has decided to create a guide for potential TECHStyle authors.  We’re not changing the overall editorial vision of TECHStyle since its founding: to be an important contributor to academic and public conversations about digital pedagogy and the digital humanities, as… Continue reading

Offseason Musings: Football, Pedagogy, and the Multimodal Composition Classroom

College football is increasingly in the news, and usually for all of the wrong reasons. One of the most concerning things for educators is the relationship between the academic and athletic programs at our nation’s colleges and universities. And it is a tenuous, problematic relationship, undoubtedly. Imagine my surprise then… Continue reading

Apply NOW!: Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellowship

Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellowship Composition, Technical Communication, and Digital Pedagogy The Writing and Communication Program at Georgia Tech seeks recent PhDs in rhetoric, composition, technical communication, literature, film, linguistics, visual rhetoric/design, and related humanities fields for the 2015-2016 Brittain Postdoctoral Fellowship. The fellowship, renewable up to three years, includes… Continue reading

Using Video Games in the Technical Communication Classroom

The 21st Century developments in technology, integrated national and internal economies, and workforce demographics create the expectation that the workplace will be a space in which workers are actively learning, developing competencies, and acquiring skills throughout the duration of their professional lives. In response to this future, instructors must envision… Continue reading

Teaching Composition with Interactive Fiction, Part Three

In two earlier posts in this series, I gave an overview of why I use interactive fiction games in my composition classes, and described an “easy way” to do this: that is, using these games as “the reading” for a course unit.  If you’re just joining us and you want… Continue reading

Embedded Librarianship in the Multimodal Classroom

Authors: Kathleen Hanggi, Assistant Professor of English, Doane College Alison Valk, Multimedia Instructional Librarian, Georgia Institute of Technology WHEN you think about librarians partnering with faculty, traditionally what may come to mind are simple one-shot workshops, assistance in finding resources, or any number of brief interactions. Rarely are librarians involved in… Continue reading

Building Bridges Between Words and Worlds: A Poetic Celebration of Diversity

Imagine a bay. The word “bay” may conjure up scenic images of calm, turquoise blue waters, of expansive coastal sand dunes, or of bustling marinas. The imagined landscape, unsurprisingly, may vary widely from one person to another. And yet, whenever I assign my students to read Robin Wall Kimmerer’s essay… Continue reading